Added a shortcut button in the ‘View Details’ of a Solution Builder quote to take you back to the ‘Protection Policies’ page for your Client.
Amended the ‘Premium Amount’ to display in 2 decimal places on the Protection Case Summary screen.
Added links to Solution Builder when ‘Add to Case’ is used for ‘Is Age Banded’ and ‘Benefit Amount’ on maximum benefit amount Income Protection quotes.
Improved the error messaging displayed should the ‘Add to Case’ action fail.
Added field validation when entering your Solution Builder credentials on the ‘My Credentials’ page to help with the linking of your account.
Resolved an issue during ‘Add to Case’ where ‘Benefit Amount’ was populated the benefit amount from the original quote instead of the selected policy.
Resolved an issue where ‘Legal & General’ was not populating as the ‘Insurer’ during ‘Add to Case’
Updated over 7 months ago