This week we've made a few key improvements to the platform.
Check out the latest updates from this release below.
Latest Improvements
We have made improvements including:
We have added marketing preferences to the Data Import Basic Lead History.
We have also added several options for the Second Property Purchase Reason for clients remortgaging or raising funds.
βSesame-only improvements
In the Additional Fields area, we have applied custom validations to the Mortgage into retirement field in Additional Fields.
We have also introduced a new field called Protection Review Discussion including the following options:
Advice to be provided
Advice/review declined (this question is reflexive)
Sufficient cover in place (and add tooltip)
We have introduced a validation on the answers here so that an answer is required.
Bug fixes
We've also fixed the following bugs:
We resolved an issue with the Protection needs dropdown where text was being displayed over the key fields.
We resolved an issue where the Repayment amount field was not displayed in the Fact Find PDF.
We resolved an issue in the Client Portal where, when adding two expenditures the values from the first were populating to the second.
We resolved an issue with our Experian service where the user could not run a credit search after a successful one had been run.
We resolved an issue where the second applicant on a case couldn't access the Document Acknowledgement screen in the Client Portal.
We resolved an issue with the OpenWork Network page, where the adviser details were not updating when the case was switched.
We resolved an issue where a joint case document that became a single case document wasn't able to be previewed.
We resolved an issue with our Experian service, where the user was not able to preview and download the Credit report in Document Store for one applicant in a joint applicant case.
We resolved an issue where the Mortgage Amount Outstanding and Current Mortgage Repayment were not populated, where the remortgage opportunity was created on completion of the case.
We resolved an issue with our Experian service where the button disappeared when the 'Monthly Usage Limit minus the usage' was less than one.
We resolved an issue with our Experian service where the credit report was not able to be downloaded for the second applicant.
We resolved an issue with our Experian service where Credit Search Consent and Send invitation buttons visible on the Verify ID pages.
We resolved an issue where the validation error was not displayed for incomplete fields during DIP submission to Nationwide.
We removed an error message that was displayed after a Credit report was generated successfully.
We resolved an issue on the SmartrConnect page where the income was swapped on the joint case.
We resolved an issue where the Remortgage Contact Date was missing on Data Import of a Completed Case.
We resolved an issue where the Remortgage Contact Date field was showing as blank in the Fact Find for buyer types = Remortgage.
We resolved an issue with SolutionBuilder where an index out of range error was being displayed.
You can see all Release notes by clicking HERE.