We have focused on improving the customer (you) experience in this release. This involves removing the potential for error with validations, resolving some key bugs, and improving a few areas of the system.
Our team have been going through every field in the Fact Find section and ensuring the field validations are sensible and useful (we do not want to see any rates of 1050%!!). In this release, and the next (13/02/2025) validations will be improved on all of these fields.
These changes will ensure your data is accurate, and will smooth the process of sending data via integrations.
Core Platform
When you upload a document to the Document Store, you are now able to edit the document name during upload rather than after.
also on Document Store, you can now sort by Oldest/Newest or A/Z on different columns to help you find what you are looking for more quickly
Added Zoom bar to Document Templates by default
When you apply a filter on the 'Tasks' page and navigate away, the filter will still be there when you go back.
You can now filter Tasks by colour so you can work on the most urgent with ease
For our Openwork users we have improved the ConcertHub submission page so that it is clear when the 'Submit' button is ready top be clicked opposed to showing a constant spinner
Another one for Openwork users - we have added clarity around what to add to the 'Quote Product Code' field.
Added 'Payment Route field to SmartrConnect page for Nationwide
Added a 'Save your Progress' warning on the Client Portal when a user navigates away from Fact Find.
Improved Email Templates loading from case notes
Bug Fixes
When you source through eConveyancer and instruct a solicitor, the solicitor details now appear
When you try to add Natwest Credentials, the field now allows Special Characters
NHS Staff income is now accepted when applying for Halifax DIP via SmartrConnect
the 'Send Email' button now works as expected when requesting Experian Credit Search consent
Tiles are no longer duplicated when returning products after sourcing via Twenty7Tec
Making a case 'Favourite' now reflects in real time rather than awaiting a refresh
If you enter a case from the 'Fact Find Completed' notification, you will now see the case dropdown