Hi First name,
Welcome to our latest release update. We have some exciting new features coming in the next release at the end of the month. For now, we have focused on making some improvements and resolving some niggles.
We have made it easier to add existing clients to cases. when you need to 'Add Applicant' on a case, you will see a new option to 'add an existing client'
We have improved the mappings between Smartr365 and Uinsure to ensure a more seamless experience
We have added some a new field: Application Fee', and mapped from Sourcing Brain to Smartr365 and then to ConcertHub.
Bug Fixes
We have resolved an issue with the Client Portal where applicants might see the wrong applicant if they share other cases with other applicants (ie. Client A and Client B have a case but Client A also has a case with Client C).
We have restored the default sort date for Document Store to sort on date
When filling out the Fact Find, you may have noticed that the 'Additional Funds to Raise' did not accept negative values - it now does!
When submitting to Nationwide via SmartrConnect there were some errors when setting 'Other Monthly Income' to 'Other'. This has been fixed and now submits as expected.
When creating a 'Raise Funds' mortgage, the 'Remortgage Contact Date' field now auto populates
'Gross Procuration Fee' now populates the case in Smartr365 when sourcing from Twenty7Tec
Resolved an issue when conveyancing where the 'Cash Back Amount' dropdown did not appear when quoting a 'Cashback Remortgage'
That's all for this release!
Feel free to reach out if you have any queries on the above
Thanks/Team Smartr365