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All things Mortgage cases, transferring cases, NPW and FAQ's
53 articles
How to edit and delete notes
How to delete a case
How do I mark a client as Vulnerable?
How do I add another case for an existing client
Where is the cases page located?
How to add a new case (client) to the system
How do I transfer a case?
How do I transfer a protection case?
How do I delete a Client?
How to view case notes
How to view case notes
How to add a note to a case
How do I add a second applicant?
How to add a second applicant to a case with someone who already has a case with a second applicant.
How to add a case for existing client(s)
How can I send/resend a Fact Find Invitation?
How to mark a case as Not Proceeded With (NPW)Marking a case as NPW
How to reopen a NPW case
How to download basic client information
Where are filters located and what does each filter do?
Claiming your Proc Fee from L&G
How do I restore a client to a case?
How can I edit or update information on a completed case?
How to add a solicitor to a case
Where is the cases page located?
How to download a copy of case notes
How do I mark a client as Vulnerable?
Where is the cases page located?
How do I transfer a protection case?
How to download a copy of case notes
How to delete a case
How do I mark a client as Vulnerable?
How do I add another case for an existing client
Where is the cases page located?
How to add a new case (client) to the system
How do I transfer a case?
How do I transfer a protection case?
How do I delete a Client?
How to download a copy of case notes
Mark mortgage cases as redeemedYou can now mark mortgage cases as redeemed.
My filters keep resetting. How can I fix this?
Can I resend an invitation to the fact find?
How to view more Cases on the Cases page
What does the clear filters button do?
I have added/updated a case but cannot see it?
Can joint applicants see one another's data?
I cannot locate my clients on the system, where can I find them?
Why have I got a duplicated mortgage after completion?
I've tried adding two clients as a joint application and an error is appearing. What has gone wrong?
I have added/updated a case but cannot see it?
Why have I got a duplicated mortgage after completion?
I've tried adding two clients as a joint application and an error is appearing. What has gone wrong?
Can joint applicants see one another's data?